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Advanced Solar Posted by: Advanced Solar 1 year ago

If you live in a neighborhood with a Homeowners Association (HOA), there might be some extra steps you need to take to ensure your solar panels are approved for installation.

Don’t stress about it, we’ve got you covered with tips and steps to take to make the process as easy as possible!

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How To Approach Your HOA About Solar Panels

Every HOA is different. Some have strict regulations residents need to follow while many are more informal. Below we’ll outline the general steps we recommend our customers take when dealing with their HOA.

Understand The Process

The first step is to request information and an application from your HOA if you don’t already have access. This will ensure you know exactly what the process for approval is for your neighborhood and eliminate any surprise requirements.

“Solar access” laws that protect homeowners’ rights during the HOA solar approval process have been adopted by many states, including Indiana.

Get A Detailed Site Plan

This next step is something you work with your solar installer to create. A site plan should include:

  • Your property lines and boundaries
  • Description of your home
  • Screening, fencing, and all other equipment that will be used to install the solar energy system
  • The branding and color of the solar panels
  • Location of the solar panels (roof, yard, etc.)
  • Solar installation company name and contact information
  • Solar energy system specs (not all HOAs require this)

Include Detailed Paperwork

You’ll probably feel like you’re submitting way too much documentation to your HOA, but it’s always better to provide more information. 

The paperwork for HOA approval needs to be detailed and clear, addressing and dispelling every potential reason the organization may have for denying permission to go solar.

Be Flexible And Patient

The approval process may take time. Many HOAs run on volunteers and it can be challenging to convene meetings or wait for scheduled dates to present your paperwork. 

If your HOA comes back saying the system can’t be approved, ask for details as to why and take that information to your solar installer so they can come up with an alternative plan.

For example, many HOAs have restrictions on the color of the solar panels you use and prefer solid black with a black screen so it provides minimal visual disruption. That’s an easy concession for your solar installer to make and could be the key to getting your HOA’s approval.

Advanced Solar Is Here To Help

Have questions about how switching to solar energy works for your home and how to work with your HOA to get approval? Our expert solar installers are here to help!

We’re here to answer your questions and help you find the best solar energy solution for your home or business.